Daily Science Grade 1

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    Help your grade 1 students develop a genuine understanding of standards-based scientific concepts and vocabulary using the 150 engaging activities in Daily Science! A variety of rich resources, including vocabulary practice, hands-on science activities, and comprehension tests in multiple-choice format, help you successfully introduce students to earth, life, and physical science concepts. 192 pages.

    This 1st-grade teacher’s print edition contains 30 weeks of concentrated science lessons and hands-on activities that give students a solid foundation of standards-based science concepts while helping to improve science literacy. Students will learn and use relevant science vocabulary as they explore the answers to intriguing scientific questions like Why do trees have different kinds of leaves? and Why is it hot in the summer? Daily Science is an excellent supplement to any 1st-grade science curriculum.

    30 weeks of instruction cover the following standards-based science topics:

    Big Idea 1: Living things have basic needs that help them stay alive.

    Week 1: Can a rock grow?

    Week 2: Do monkeys really eat bananas?

    Week 3: Do plants have mouths?

    Week 4: Do fish drink water?

    Week 5: Unit Review

    Big Idea 2: Plants and animals live in many different places.

    Week 1: Where do animals sleep?

    Week 2: Why do camels have humps?

    Week 3: Can a whale live in a lake?

    Week 4: Why do trees have different kinds of leaves?

    Week 5: Unit Review

    Big Idea 3: The sun, moon, and stars are objects in our sky.

    Week 1: What causes night and day?

    Week 2: What do we see in the sky at night?

    Week 3: Why do we need the sun?

    Week 4: Can anything live on the moon?

    Week 5: Unit Review

    Big Idea 4: Different seasons have different weather.

    Week 1: Why is it hot in the summer?

    Week 2: Why does it snow in the winter?

    Week 3: Why are there a lot of flowers in the spring?

    Week 4: Why do some trees lose their leaves in the fall?

    Week 5: Unit Review

    Big Idea 5: Objects can be solid, liquid, or gas.

    Week 1: Why can't we walk through walls?

    Week 2: Why does water splash?

    Week 3: Why do balloons float in the air?

    Week 4: Why does ice melt?

    Week 5: Unit Review

    Big Idea 6: An object's motion can be changed by using force. Pushing and pulling are types of forces.

    Week 1: Why do shopping carts have wheels?

    Week 2: Why does a ball go far when I kick it hard?

    Week 3: Why do cars have steering wheels?

    Week 4: Why do things fall when you drop them?

    Week 5: Unit Review